How to increase potency in men folk remedies

Most of the problems with the erectile function occurs in old age, but the young boys happen to "fail" with this function. If a person does not want to poison if the same tablets, it is possible to exit from a situation that may become the traditional medicine. How to increase potency in men folk remedies and do it as quickly as possible? In this case, the representatives of the stronger sex is necessary to turn to the most effective therapeutic herbal products and dietary supplements, which do not work worse drugs(and in some cases even better). Modern medicine offers us a great number of drugs to increase libido, but they always have a large list of side effects. Not that you can utilize them for some groups of people, while folk remedies the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components that are infusions or decoctions. Prepare them at home is quite simple, their cost will be much less than medications from the pharmacy, and use the same.

natural medicine

What are the plants and the useful products for the power?

When a man is faced with problems in the sexual sphere, his first instinct is to buy a medication drugs. However, any doctor will tell you that it is much more useful to make "grandma's recipes", change your lifestyle and start eating properly. This will allow even if it is more slow but more sure to bring the system genito-urinary tract in order. The exception may be only serious diseases without drugs you can do. If you run the backup treatment folk remedies-diet and various treatments, recovery is much faster. The use of this technique can be in supplemental form in the presence of various diseases. With psychological problems it can also help to relax and relieve the tension, you just need to choose the right recipe. The most useful for power are considered to be the following products and grass:

  • Coriander. Other name of spices, coriander, she nourishes the body with nutrients, improves the secretion of the glands, excites the desire, promotes the flow of blood to the penis. Coriander is used for the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, helps the genitals work better
  • The parsley. It has immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory action, removes toxins, cleanses the urinary tract, normalizes blood clotting, and contains the elements involved in life processes. Also suppresses in the body to female hormones – estrogen, maintains in good condition the skin
  • St. john's wort. Antiseptic, analgesic, action and anthelminthic properties, helps to expand blood vessels and member more fully fill with blood, has an antidepressant effect. The plant can relieve spasms, with veins and arteries, eliminates inflammatory processes in the genitals, but often it is not possible to use
  • Nuts. Contain essential for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system elements that support the process of spermatogenesis, the production of testosterone, improves the brain activity
  • The honey. Helps in cases of impotence, correlated with advancing age, compensates for the energy, improves the immune system, improves the quality properties of the blood. It is better to choose the product of bees, which was assembled by herbal-aphrodisiac (jasmine, marjoram, orchid)
  • Ginseng. Useful for men properties has its root. You restore the power, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates sexual desire, increases the sensation during sex, provides a good circulation of the blood in the basin


Also useful for men are considered ivan-tea, celery, ginkgo biloba, berries of the mountain ash and hawthorn, pumpkin seeds, stinging nettle. Ginger, etc. of the products listed recommend making infusions and decoctions, sometimes mix of nutrients.

The recipes of the funds

Increase the potency of folk remedies can be for a couple of months, only taking it regularly prepared medicines. Some products do not even need to cook, to achieve the desired effect, for example, the honey or dried fruit. However, in combination with the other elements can primesti even more. Before using any of the following provisions, consult your doctor, if there is enough of them will be for the recovery. Low-power, cock is flabby, the lack of a prolonged erection - is not a sentence for the sexual life of men, but the signal that the body needs help and masculine strength without a break. There are a large number of drugs that help to find a man strong erection for sex, but all of its disadvantages and contraindications, especially if a man already 30-40 years. Drops power allow you to not only obtain an erection, here and now, but they act like the prevention and the accumulation of masculine power, allowing the man to remain sexually active for many years!

The honey. Honey by itself is very useful for erectile function. He is a natural aphrodisiac – a substance, greatly increases the erection, increases libido and helps to prolong sexual contact. Among the food products there are many other, with the same properties, but are difficult to mix with other useful products (oysters, cicurina, bananas). But the honey blends perfectly with the walnuts, it is mixed with garlic and herbs. Here are a few effective tools:

  1. Take 10 walnuts, chop their nuclei in a powder and pour half a glass of water. After 2 hours and filter the liquid to dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey. A drink is needed during the day
  2. In equal proportions to mix the honey and the ginger. Take ½ teaspoon 3 times per day before meals
  3. In the same way, mix the carrot juice and honey, drink during the day

Another people recipe requires a large number of components:

  • 300 g chopped walnuts
  • 100 g hazelnuts
  • 50 g of the root of rhodiola rosea
  • A couple of fruits of rosa canina
  • Head of garlic, cooked in a bain-marie
  • 1 kg of honey


All the ingredients mix well and take 1 tbsp. l. 2 hours after meals. Particularly useful to this mixture is considered to be for older men.

Nuts. Data of the product – it is a mine of vitamins and minerals, and, in particular, necessary for the synthesis of testosterone zinc, and selenium. With their help, the treatment of various diseases, but most of all, they are known for their influence on the power. Thus, popular so eastern recipe. Take:

  1. 200 g of raisins, figs and prunes, 12 pcs nuts
  2. All the ingredients for a good chop and stir, if you wish, add a tablespoon of honey
  3. Store in the refrigerator, you can consume 2 tablespoons before going to sleep

Another recipe includes 500 g of the product, 300 ml of honey, 100 – aloe juice and 50 g of erased in the powder of the roots of parsnip. They mingle and eat a large spoonful three times a day. It is possible to use not only the kernel, but the dividers between them. So, their land, take 2 tablespoons. l., pour 0.4 litres of boiling water. Then leave to infuse for 30 minutes, filter and drink half a cup 3 times a day, regardless of food intake.

The garlic. Like the other products, it is not less useful in its purest form, than in the past. For the preparation of dyeing them, it is necessary to prepare 1 kg of peeled cloves and a glass bowl. In it the pour 0.5 liters of vodka, closed tightly and stored in a dark place for a week. After this, take 1 tbsp. l. for 20 minutes before a meal. If you is contraindicated alcohol, there is another popular remedy for the power:

The tool to the power

The multicomplex, high-efficiency, thanks to the make up of the active principles. His research has demonstrated the absence of side effects and high rate of assimilation, which leads to a momentary effect. The drops contain guarana extract, L-arginine, glycine, and magnesium, and substances to relieve tension, improve circulation in the pelvis, improving the blood flow to the penis. The drug is suitable for patients of all ages.


  • 1 kg of fresh garlic, place in three-liter jar
  • Fill it to the brim with boiled water
  • Close tightly and leave in a place where there is the sun, shaking occasionally
  • Drink 1 teaspoon, diluted in a glass of milk

The following method of cooking takes to lose the head of garlic in a meat grinder, the resulting dough is not more than a minute to boil in white wine, and then pour into a glass bowl and put it in the fridge. Capture the drug 1 teaspoon. for 20 minutes before eating for three days, then take a break of 10 days and repeat the course, and so for the other two times. Also, try to add a product in salads, soups.

The lemongrass. It is one of the most effective for the erectile function plants after the ginseng. In the preparation of folk remedies to the power lifting men lemongrass is used very often, for the most part, its fruits or seeds. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body, such as vitamin E (prevents aging processes, it is necessary for the functioning of the endocrine system and the nervous system), flavonoids (improve the blood circulation, resist viral infections), zinc - (participates in the formation of testosterone, strengthens the immune system, helps to get rid of fatigue). By the screw, it is possible to prepare:

  1. Dust. A couple of berries carefully dried, then rub the and used 1 g in the morning and in the evening
  2. Dye. A couple of handfuls of berries, pour 1 liter of vodka, tightly and leave for 2 weeks. After that, drink 30 drops before each meal
  3. Decoction. It is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water 10 g of dried fruit of schisandra, and pokipyatit for 10 more minutes on low heat. Let it cool and drink 2-3 tablespoons per day
  4. Drink. Fresh berries pour boiled water, for 6 hours. The beverage resulting on request mixed with honey and sugar, drink tea instead of

If possible, prepare the berries in advance and freeze them, so they will always be possible to make one of the recipes.

Horny goat weed. Other name of a plant – epimedium, increases the speed of spermatogenesis, prevents premature ejaculation, activates the work of the testes. Horny goat weed plant is considered to be an aphrodisiac, so it is able to increase the sexual desire and the desire. Folk remedies of epimedium have properties to normalize the processes of circulation, strengthening of the immune system, free from headache, convulsions. For women teas, it is helpful to drink during menopause. One of the most effective recipes to call the following: it is necessary to finely chop the fresh leaves of the plant (30 g), pour boiling water, infuse for an hour and a half. Then drink a drink a day, each time before a meal. To increase the power, you can pour 15 g of dried herb to 250 ml of boiling water and keep in a bain-marie for about 20 minutes. The broth resulting drink a teaspoon three times a day. You can keep no more than a week.

Ginseng. Among all the herbs and plants is in first place for utility, which is used in many medicines. It can be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also to prevent the impotence. However, make sure to observe the recipes of dosing, because otherwise, the ginseng can be bad for our health. Dyeing with a plant as with the addition of vodka, and without it:

  • With vodka no. 1.20 g of chopped root pour 200 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, let it sit for 7 days. Take 20 drops 2 times a day half an hour before meals
  • With vodka no. 2. A root of pour 4 liters of vodka, leave in a cool place for 12 hours. After this 3 times per day for drinking by a 50 mg infusion
  • Without the vodka. Mix 350 g of honey and ½ tablespoon of the root. Let the mixture stand in the fridge for 10 days. To prepare the eat to 1 teaspoon three times a day, 30 minutes before a meal

The duration of treatment should not exceed 1-2 months, the better that this bill should consult a doctor.

Other tips

In folk medicine, there are only suggestions for the preparation of different beverages ingestion. Folk remedies to the power lifting are considered to be products and treatments, contrast showers, various wraps, and more. Not all, you can have some influence, however, these activities certainly will not hurt. Price enjoy great popularity treatments:

essential oils

  1. Sessile bathrooms. Help to improve the circulation of blood in the area of the pelvis and of the abdomen. Usually water is added decoctions of herbs, however, is possible without them. It is advisable to sit for about 5 minutes a day
  2. A shower of contrast. Useful not only for erection, but and health in general.
  3. Bathrooms turpentine. More bring benefits to those who suffer from poor sperm quality and can not conceive a child. These sessions improve circulation and strengthen blood vessels, and also help to purify the seminal duct. In the water, add no more than 5 ml emulsion of turpentine, the procedure can be repeated about 10 times. In the same way, the bathroom with shilajit (raw materials require 10 mg)
  4. Sleep in the bathtub. Helps those, that helps you relax all your muscles. During the course of leaving it on the faucet with lukewarm water that has cooled. A positive effect on men with impotence psychological
  5. Hardening. The easiest of these is set in a basin of cold water and walk in it with the high lift of the knee in the course of a minute. Immediately after the procedure, wear warm socks and do the warm-up

When you swim in the water you can also add the essential oils. For these objectives, the ideals of geranium oil, cumin, cedar, sage. Another method involves the use of ice, called "Georgian". It is necessary to finely ass about 0.5 kg of ice, wrap it in the folded 8 times a piece of gauze and apply alternately for a minute at the nape of the neck, the ribs and heart, and the scrotum. Repeat 3-5 times per day.